Welcome to the RECOVER study!
You are invited to take part in a multi-site prospective study focusing on COVID-19 infections among Healthcare personnel, first responders, and frontline workers* who have direct contact with patients and/or the public. Your participation will help us better understand and characterize this virus and its effects.
This study is funded by the United States Centers for Disease Control (CDC) and Abt Associates Inc.
*Frontline Worker: Grocery, Restaurants/Fast food, Delivery services, Government, Utilities, Finance/Banks, Housing, Real ,Estate, Retail, Construction, Transportation, Entertainment, Travel, Hotels, Airport/flight, attendants, Ski Resorts, Gas Stations, Funeral homes, Manufacturing, Education, Media, Legal, Preschools/Daycare, Veterinary Service, Correctional Institutions, Printing, Auto repair, Environmental consulting, and more.