Software System Requirements
System Requirements
The RMCDS software can be run on a single user machine or a network. All data and programs are on your local computer or network.
The system has all of the data items required by the SEER program, the North American Association of Central Cancer Registries, the National Program for Cancer Registries (CDC) and the American College of Surgeons. In addition there are a number of fields that can be customized specifically for your registry.
Hardware and Software Specifications for the RMCDS Windows System
- Processor: Pentium
- Operating System: Windows 7,8,10
- Machine speed: 3.4 GHz or Greater
- Memory: 4GB (Recommended: 8GB)
- Disk Space for Registry: 4 GB for hospitals, 40-50 GB for Central Registries(This is primarily for future expansion.)
- Monitor: 17" Monitor or larger recommended. We recommend dual monitors for efficiency.
- Screen Resolution: minimum 800x600
- Recommended: CD ROM
- Required: Internet access capability
- Recommended: Printer - Laser or Inkjet, either attached or accessible through a network
Users will need a CD drive or Internet access with download capabilities. We recommend that users take a training course to learn how to use email and Internet browsers.
We have the ability to interface with Microsoft Excel for graphing purposes. If you are going to use this product, we suggest that you take a training course. RMCDS does not provide software support for third party software. Current version of WinZip or equivalent.
Server Requirements for RMCDS
- Windows Server 2013 or newer
- 64 Bit Operating System
- Memory: 8 GB minimum - 16 GB recommended
- Disk size: 500GB minimum 1 TB recommended
- Each machine will connect to the server with a mapped drive letter.
- EX: P:/rmcds/rmc2018
Product Description
Available Functions
Set Reports Available:
- Frequency/Cross Tab
- Frequency
- One- or Two-way Cross Tab
- Listings
- One- or Two-Line
- Physican/Patient
- Treatment
- Suspense Case
- Also Listing Reports in the following Set Formats:
- Standard Variables, Format A & B
- Standard Variables A + Text
- ACOS Format 2016
- Chosen Variables (custom criteria, saveable)
- NPCR Listing for Duplicate Checking
- Summary/Survival
- Summary
- Survival
- Kaplan-Meier
- Letters/Worksheets
- Create Subset
- Re-Exam Letter (Mail Merge)
- Custom Mail Merge Letter
- Labels
- Incidence
- Observed/Expected
- Age Adjusted/Specific
- List Population Files
- Combine Population Files
- Follow-Up
- ACOS Survey
- Follow-Up Completeness
- Timeliness
- Miscellaneous
- Computer English
- Missing CTR #
- Spanish Surname
- Blank Accession Book
- Check for Duplicates
- First Name-Sex Check
- List Starting Master Pointer for Each Year of Diagnosis
- NPCR Completeness
- NPCR Cross Tabs Completeness
- Check for Duplicates NAACCR Protocol
- NAACCR Summary
- NPCR Duplicate Case Listing for Submission
- Error Checks