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Graduate Medical Education


All GME trainee verifications must be requested directly from the specific specialty program.

Visit the Residencies or the Fellowships page for individual contacts for the program coordinator or manager. 

*If the program you are looking for is not listed on either the residencies or fellowships page, that program is a non-GME program. Please complete an internet search for that program individually to find the correct contact for verification. 

Employment / Faculty Appointment verification for U of U Health Hospitals and Clinics staff must be requested from our verification vendor EmpInfo.

For requesters: Please visit If you have any questions regarding verifications, please contact EmpInfo at 800-274-9694. If you are requesting income verification, the employee will need to provide you with an authorization code to access that information. They can obtain the code through going on to

For employees: To provide proof of your employment or income, please ask the requester to go to An authorization code is required for income verification. To generate an authorization code that you will then to provide to the requester, visit, text CONSENT to 888-800-8190, or call 888-800-8190. You can also visit to print basic verification letters for free. Click here for the Employee How-to Guide. If you have any questions about using the system, please contact EmpInfo at 800-274-9694.

Public Service Loan Forgiveness (PSFL) forms may be submitted to Human Resources at Scroll to the bottom of the page, select “secure email” then fill out the encrypted email and upload your requested form.