Interested in doing education scholarship but don’t know where to start? Schedule a brainstorming meeting with Candace Chow, PhD, the Director of Education Research:
Journal Club
This group meets once a month to discuss a medical education publication. Join us to learn more about the field of medical education and its various types of publications. View this box folder for past and current articles and here to view past and current PowerPoint presentations.
Interested in publishing your medical education project? See below for resources on publishing:
- List created by Candace Chow
- MESRE annotated bibliography (updated July 2019)
- The MedEdPORTAL Education Summary Report (ESR)
- A webinar on publishing in MedEdPORTAL
- Writing an Introduction (Lingard, L. Joining a conversation: the problem/gap/hook heuristic. Perspect Med Educ 4, 252–253 (2015).
- What is Education Scholarship? (Colbert-Getz, Jorie PhD, MS; Shaffer, Kerri MEd, MLIS; Chow, Candace PhD, MA Taking the Scholarly Approach One Step Further by Producing Education Scholarship, Academic Medicine: June 2, 2020 - Volume Publish Ahead of Print - Issue - doi: 10.1097/ACM.0000000000003536)
Core Educator Publications
See what our colleagues have been publishing:
- Pediatric Gastroenterology, Hepatology, and Nutrition Entrustable Professional Activities: Development of an Assessment Tool and Curricular Resources by Dr. Jacob Robson and colleagues.
- North American Society for Pediatric Gastroenterology, Hepatology, and Nutrition Position Paper on Entrustable Professional Activities: Development of Pediatric Gastroenterology, Hepatology, and Nutrition Entrustable Professional Activities by Dr. Jacob Robson and colleagues.
- A Process and Rubric for a Group to Review the Quality of a Medical Education Course/Clerkship by Dr. Kathryn Moore and colleagues.
- An objective structured clinical examination: From examination room to Zoom breakout room by Drs. Peter Hannon, Katie Lappe, Clarie Griffin, and colleagues.
- Tools for Discussing Identity and Privilege Among Medical Students, Trainees, and Faculty by Drs. Candace Chow, Gretchen Case, and colleagues.
- Discovering the Benefits of Group Peer Review of Submitted Manuscripts
- Preclinical Medical Student Attitudes Toward Use of Psychiatry Residents as Actors in a Suicide and Violence Risk Assessment Simulation Activity by Drs. Candace Chow, Kathryn Moore, and colleagues.
- Medical Biochemistry Without Rote Memorization: Multi-Institution Implementation and Student Perceptions of a Nationally Standardized Metabolic Map for Learning by Dr. Janet Lindsley and colleagues.
Medical Education Podcast Reccomendations
- M.ED: Medical Education for the Practicing Clinician By Kerry Whittemore, MD.
- Are you a busy clinician who wants to stay up to date with all the topics that are essential to your work? You’ve found the right podcast. M.ED: Medical Education for the Practicing Clinician is one of few podcasts that deliver free continuing medical education (CME) to you in 30 minutes or less. Interview topics with experts in the field will range from telemedicine, medical student wellness, clinician as the educator, and much more. Get instant access to compelling conversations brought to you by the University of Utah School of Medicine, with your host, Kerry Whittemore, MD.
- Teaching in Medicine by Dr. Kathleen Timme
- Educating health care providers of tomorrow is one of the greatest joys in medicine. Join Dr. Kathleen Timme, an academic pediatric subspecialist and educator as she interviews current and aspiring clinician-educators. Together, we will explore triumphs, struggles, and effective approaches in medical education. The views and opinions expressed are solely those of the participants.
- Educating health care providers of tomorrow is one of the greatest joys in medicine. Join Dr. Kathleen Timme, an academic pediatric subspecialist and educator as she interviews current and aspiring clinician-educators. Together, we will explore triumphs, struggles, and effective approaches in medical education. The views and opinions expressed are solely those of the participants.
MedEd Conferences