Academic Success Program Tutoring
Medical school can be challenging and demanding to students at all stages of their education. To assist students in navigating this challenging educational environment, the Academic Success Program provides free individual and group tutoring.
Tutoring is a great learning tool for all students—not just those who are struggling academically. The goal of tutoring is to enhance students’ learning by helping them achieve a greater level of material understanding and to contribute to improved course grades and long-term retention of the material.
Working with a tutor is an excellent way for students to discover the learning and study methods that work best for them.
One-on-One Tutoring
One-on-one tutoring constitutes most of the tutoring offered by the Academic Success Program. Tutees are paired with an available tutor, usually a year or more ahead of them in their studies, for a particular purpose such as courses, shelf, and board exams. These sessions can be done in person, or through telecommunication services such as Zoom, Skype, or directly over the telephone. Students are encouraged to discuss their preferred means of tutoring with their tutor in advance of their first meeting.
Who Are Our Tutors?
The ASP tutors are specially trained University of Utah School of Medicine students who are available to help review course content and prepare for clerkships and board exams. Our tutors are well-versed in content knowledge and possess uniquely helpful insights on learning and studying. All of our tutors receive training in tutoring best practices, and enjoy opportunities throughout the year to improve their pedagogy and tutoring effectiveness.
How Do I Sign Up for Tutoring?
For one-on-one tutoring, students first need to meet with their Academic Success Program counselor. This is both to ensure that tutoring is appropriate for a student’s academic situation, and that the student is matched with a tutor that they would work well with.
These meetings can be arranged through email, telephone (801-587-9797), our online scheduling assistant, or by stopping by our office at room 110 in Building 379. Students can also sign up for tutoring directly (please log in to Microsoft Office 365 first). Questions about our tutor program can be directed to our tutor coordinator.
The Academic Success Program expects high standards of professionalism from both its tutors and those who take advantage of tutoring. As such, tutees are expected to come to tutoring prepared. ASP tutors will encourage and direct, however, each student must accept personal responsibility for his/her educational progress. Students taking advantage of our tutoring program are encouraged to read the list of expectations requested of them.