Emergency Medicine Fellowships
The Department of Emergency Medicine currently offers seven fellowships:
For verifications of current or past Fellows please contact Anna Newlin at Anna.Newlin@hsc.utah.edu
Medical Education Fellowship
Medical Education is a rapidly expanding field in Academic Emergency Medicine. Those with fellowship training and completion of an advanced degree are strong candidates for Core Education Faculty positions and leadership roles at the UME and GME levels. The University of Utah offers a two-year Medical Education Fellowship with combined degree in Health Professions Education. The fellowship is geared towards the growth and development of education leaders in Emergency Medicine through six core domains: Leadership and Administration, Professional Development, Didactic Curriculum, Teaching and Scholarship, Assessment, and the Master’s Program. Fellows will have the opportunity to explore teaching and scholarship opportunities in UME, GME, and Simulation. Fellows will work directly with medical students, residents, and the Education Leadership team to become expert educators and leaders in the field of Emergency Medicine Medical Education.
Wilderness Medicine Fellowship
Physicians are increasingly being requested to practice medicine in remote and austere environments. The field of Wilderness Medicine encompasses disaster relief, travel, and expedition medicine and prepares physicians to practice in these unique environments. Utah offers an ideal location in which to learn and practice this specialty. High-altitude mountains, desert, and river environments surround the University of Utah.
Global Health Fellowship
Global Health is increasingly a catch all term for any and all efforts that work towards achieving equity in healthcare and healthcare access amongst all populations world wide. Often, the problems practitioners confront in "Global Health" transcend politics, national borders and economic realities. This fellowship is geared towards the self-directed learner with the stated aim to help develop and apply academic interest(s) in the context of care in resource poor settings and in vulnerable populations both locally and abroad. Applicants apply for a 1 or 2 year program, which includes an MPH through the London School of Hygiene and Tropical Medicine. Fellows are involved in longstanding projects in Peru and/or Vietnam, but proposals for projects upon application are encouraged as well.
Sports Medicine Fellowship
The University of Utah offers an academically based, multi-disciplinary fellowship in sports medicine. The fellowship is designed to provide the fellow with broad exposure to the full range of sports and musculoskeletal pathology. There is a particular focus on biomechanical, kinetic chain and exercise principles. The fellow works closely with faculty, fellows and residents in Emergency Medicine, Family Medicine, Internal Medicine, Physical Medicine & Rehabilitation, Orthopaedics, Radiology, Physical Therapy and Exercise and Sports Science. This one-year, ACGME accredited, comprehensive training program is based at the University of Utah Orthopaedic Center (UOC).
Ultrasound Fellowship
Graduates of the emergency US fellowship will be able to perform head to toe US exams in the ED. There is an emphasis on US guided resuscitation including opportunities to learn TEE and collaborate with other services including the ED-ECMO team, anesthesiology, and cardiology. Learning comes from online lectures, hands on teaching, and weekly QA. Mastery is best obtained through teaching and there are multiple opportunities to teach medical students, residents, and faculty at workshops locally and nationally. Research participation in clinical or animal studies is required and passing the CCEeXAM is encouraged. There are 7 US machines and 2 TEE probes in our main ED, and 1 US machine at each of the two satellite ED's. All ED US scans are billed and stored digitally in PACS for weekly QA review. And don't worry, we are close enough to the mountains to still be able to enjoy the many outdoor opportunities that Utah has to offer!
EMS Fellowship
Medical direction of Emergency Medical Services (EMS) systems is becoming more important as prehospital providers are faced with a growing population, higher volume of EMS utilization, and increasing complexity of care required in the prehospital setting. The goal of this one year ACGME fellowship is to provide the teaching and experience necessary for a physician to practice confidently and independently in any EMS system after graduation. We are uniquely able to offer a variety of direct prehospital care exposure through Salt Lake City Fire Department (urban), Unified Fire Authority (urban), Mountain West Ambulance (rural), AirMed (air EMS), and, optionally, through West Valley City Fire (urban), Summit County EMS (rural), and Grand Teton National Park EMS and Teton County Search and Rescue (federal, rural). Fellows will gain administrative experience through QI/QA processes, protocol development, and State and local committee meetings. These experiences along with a wide variety of didactic modalities and research opportunities will provide the background necessary to become a board-certified EMS physician.
Resuscitation Research Fellowship
This two-year Resuscitation Research Fellowship program combines training in translational emergency medicine research with graduate level courses. The department maintains a strong commitment to resuscitation and critical care translational research with focus on cardiac arrest resuscitation, hemorrhagic shock, and stroke. Research work will be related to REBOA, ECMO, fluid responsiveness, Al for autonomous critical care, and cell responses to ischemia. A fellow's research course can include collaboration with cardiothoracic surgery, vascular surgery, cardiology, pulmonary, and critical care medicine. Fellows wishing to explore medical device or biotech development can take advanced coursework in FDA regulatory affairs. Ultimately, the fellow will design and implement a research project and prepare a competitive extramural grant application.
Hospice and Palliative Medicine Fellowship: Emergency Medicine Track
The demand for Hospice and Palliative care is rapidly growing within the United States and there is a corresponding need for HPM trained physicians. As Emergency Medicine physicians, we are no strangers to suffering and death and we are often with our patients when they come to an important crossroads in their medical care. Whether it be a new life limiting diagnosis or the realization of goals unmet, we, as the gatekeepers of the hospital, can have a tremendous impact on the trajectory of our patients’ care and we are uniquely situated to be able to guide our patients and their loved ones through that process.
The University of Utah Palliative Care fellowship is offering an Emergency Medicine track within the HPM fellowship. This track is designed to give the new emergency medicine graduate the same excellent training in HPM, while also allowing for continued growth of your EM skill set by providing the fellow with EM attending shifts during their fellowship year and a greater focus on improving palliative care in the ED.