Alpha Omega Alpha
Alpha Omega Alpha (AOA)
Alpha Omega Alpha, founded in 1902, is the national medical honor society. Its mission is:
Alpha Omega Alpha — dedicated to the belief that in the profession of medicine we will improve care for all by:
- recognizing high educational achievement;
- honoring gifted teaching;
- encouraging the development of leaders in academia and the community;
- supporting the ideals of humanism; and
- promoting service to others.
Election to Alpha Omega Alpha is an honor signifying a lasting commitment to professionalism, leadership, scholarship, research, and community service. A lifelong honor, membership in the society confers recognition for a physician's dedication to the profession and art of healing.
More than 4,000 students, residents/fellows, faculty, and alumni are elected each year. Since its founding in 1902, more than 185,000 members have been elected to the society.
Alpha Omega Alpha supports 12 fellowships, grants, and awards for medical students and physicians at its 132 Chapters, and publishes a quarterly peer-reviewed, medical humanities journal The Pharos which contains articles on nontechnical medical subjects, including history, ethics, national issues, personal essays, and poetry.
-excerpt taken from the AOA website
Contact Jadyn Satini for questions regarding AOA.
AOA Inductees For the 23/24 Year
Here at the USSOM, we induct up to 15% of the senior class into the national AΩA Honor Society. Toward the end of their 2nd year, grades are evaluated by the Dean of Student Affairs and the top 5-6 individuals in the class are inducted as Junior AΩA Members in their junior year.
The remaining students are selected at the end of the 3rd year, again by the Dean of Student Affairs, based on their academic performance while in school.