Medical School Loans
The School of Medicine has a number of small loan and scholarship accounts made available by private donors. Most of these loans are at a 5% interest rate and are deferred through medical school and one residency training.
Awards are made after the initial Direct Unsubsidized Stafford loans have been made.
The following is a list of some of the loans available through the School of Medicine:

This loan account represents donations made to the School of Medicine by the AMA-ERF.
A short-term emergency loan fund established by Dr. Clifford Snyder, former Chief of Plastic Surgery at the School of Medicine. Limited funds are available for both medical students and surgery residents. (Special terms.)
A loan fund established in November, 2001 to assist students who are faced with a financial crisis that could terminate their training.
A short-term emergency loan fund established in honor of Dr. Edward I. Hashimoto. (Special terms.)
A loan fund established through a trust in December, 1996 to be used to provide loan support for male students, with consideration given to financial need and scholastic standing.
This account was set up through a trust for a loan to be made to a medical student to cover tuition, books, and educational supplies for one year.
A loan fund established in December, 1995 by Max B., Virginia E. and Karen V. Lewis to provide deserving residents, interns and fourth-year medical students of or associated with the Health Sciences Center of the University of Utah, an opportunity to borrow funds essential to the completion of their training and education. Special consideration is given to those residents, interns and medical students in and interested in the fields of Ophthalmology, Internal Medicine or Cardiology.
A revolving loan account established to consolidate miscellaneous donations made to the School of Medicine.
An account established by the Robert Wood Johnson Foundation to provide loans designated for females, ethnic minority students, and students from rural areas.
A special endowment fund established in 1994 by Carmen Christensen in honor of her father, Thomas Fincher Harry Morton, M.D., who practiced in Salt Lake City from 1912 to 1950. This loan is to be repaid within seven (7) years of graduation. In the event that the recipient enters practice in a rural area a portion of the initial amount of the loan may be forgiven.