Scholarships are minimal and awards are based upon specific criteria set by the donors, academic performance, need as determined by the Financial Aid Office and total educational indebtedness. To be considered for the private loans and scholarships, students must complete a FAFSA and a School of Medicine Supplemental Application for Institutional Scholarships and Loans.
Awards are made after the initial Direct Unsubsidized Stafford loans have been made.
Medical School Scholarships
The following scholarships are determined by need and academic excellence:
A scholarship fund established in 1998 by Andrew J. and Carolyn Rice Schilly to be awarded to deserving students who are in need of financial assistance and who have excelled academically.
A fund established in January, 1998 by Mrs. Miner in both her and her husband's names to assist needy medical students who have excelled academically.
A special endowment fund established in February, 1987 by Mr. Conrad S. Carlson with interest to be awarded as a scholarship to deserving students who have excelled academically and are in need of financial assistance.
A fund established in May, 1996 by Dr. and Mrs. Burke L. Winget in memory of their son Craig. Craig was attending the University of Utah School of Medicine at the time of his passing where he had excelled as an outstanding student. Scholarships are awarded to deserving students who are in need of financial assistance and who have excelled academically.
A scholarship fund established in 1999 to assist deserving students who are in need of financial assistance and who have excelled academically.
A scholarship fund established in March, 1998 by Dr. and Mrs. Cowley for deserving students who are in need of financial assistance and who have excelled academically.
An endowed scholarship fund established in 1996. Awards are to be made to deserving students who are in need of financial assistance and who have excelled academically.
A scholarship fund established in 2002 by Dr. Glenn H. and Margaret C. Wyler to assist deserving students of good character, pursuing a career in medicine, having financial need and excelling academically. Those students who have worked hard to pay for their education, or part of their education, whose grades may have been affected by having to work while going to school, are particularly eligible.
A fund established in June, 1994 by Dr. Ronald L. and Pamela C. Urry to assist deserving students who are in need of financial assistance and who have excelled academically.
A special endowment fund established in April, 2004 by Dr. Anderson. Scholarships are awarded to deserving students based on financial need and academic excellence.
A scholarship fund established in 2001 by Dr. Steven K. and Yasemin S. Miller to provide assistance to deserving medical students who are in need of financial assistance and who have excelled academically.
A fund established in 1984 by Dr. and Mrs. Meilstrup to be awarded to deserving students who are U.S. citizens, have excelled academically and are in need of financial assistance.
A scholarship fund established in 2003 by G. Frank and Pamela Joklik to help and support worthy medical students. Scholarships will be awarded to deserving students who are in need of financial assistance and who have excelled academically.
A special endowment fund established in 1991 to assist deserving medical students based upon academic excellence and financial need.
A special endowment fund established in June 2001 to assist deserving medical students in need of financial assistance and who have excelled academically.
A scholarship fund established in 2002 in memory of Dr. Crockett. Awards are made to deserving students who are in need of financial assistance and who have excelled academically
A fund established in 1996 by the Junior E. and Blanche B. Rich Foundation. Awards are to be made to deserving students who are in need of financial assistance and who have excelled academically.
A fund established in March 1998 in memory of Ken Garff by his family to assist needy medical students who have excelled academically.
An endowed scholarship fund established in 2004. Awards are made to deserving students who are in need of financial assistance and who have excelled academically.
A scholarship fund established in 2001 by Robert J. and Geraldine W. Dellenback to assist deserving medical students who are in need of financial assistance and who have excelled academically.
A scholarship fund established in 2022 by the Ditsworth/Geer Family in memory of Robert J. Ditsworth and Lorraine C. Ditsworth of Bounntiful, Utah, to assist deserving medical students who have excelled academically and need financial assistance.
A scholarship fund established in October 2002 by Dona P. Call for deserving students who are in need of financial assistance and who have excelled academically.
A scholarship fund established in 2001 from the estate of Margaret Cronkite. This award will be given to deserving students who are in need of financial assistance and who have excelled academically.
A scholarship fund established in 1999 by Dr. Wesley G. Harline's children in honor of their father to assist deserving students who are in need of financial assistance and who have excelled academically.
These scholarships are based primarily on need:
A fund established in 1990 by Margaret S. Richards in memory of her first husband to assist needy medical students.
A special endowment fund established by Mrs. Learned in December, 1989 to honor her husband. Interest is used for scholarships for needy medical students.
A special endowment fund established in April, 2001 to provide financial assistance to deserving medical students.
This scholarship fund was established in 2006 with funds provided by the Utah State Legislature. Awards are to be made to medical students based on financial need, as determined by completion of the Free Application for Federal Student Aid (FAFSA).
These are scholarships that have specific criteria that needs to be met:
A special endowment fund established in June, 1992 by Lael S. Bettilyon. Priority is given to students who have excelled academically and who have exhibited an interest in helping and benefiting others.
A scholarship fund established in 2001 by Alan and Beverly Frank to assist deserving students who are in need of financial assistance and who have excelled academically. Priority shall be given to those students intending on pursuing an education in oncology research or clinical oncology.
A special endowment fund established in March, 1987 by Dr. & Mrs. McCleve with special consideration given to returned missionaries of the LDS church and residents of the State of Utah.
A special endowment fund established in 2006 by Carolyn Rich Nebeker. Scholarships are awarded to deserving students in need of financial assistance who have excelled academically, and who intend to practice medicine in rural Utah.
An endowed scholarship fund established in August 2005 by Alan R. Pratt, M.D., to be awarded to deserving third or fourth year medical students, who have demonstrated need for financial assistance, with their academic record being only a secondary consideration. If a third year student shall receive said scholarship, preference shall be given to him or her to receive said scholarship in their fourth year, if he or she should so reapply.
A fund established in July, 1982 originally by Eleanor T. Jensen in memory of her husband. Upon her death, the name was changed to include both Dr. and Mrs. Jensen. Because of Dr. Jensen's interest in surgery, special consideration is given to qualified students with interest in a specific surgical specialty.
A special endowment fund established in January, 1986 by Dr. and Mrs. Barber to be awarded to medical student(s) in need of financial assistance with a demonstrated interest in surgery research.
A fund established in December, 1998 by Audrey Noall Peterson in honor of her parents, Dr. and Mrs. Elmer T. Noall, both of them being graduates of the University of Utah and having the wish that this scholarship fund be established. Scholarships will be awarded to deserving students who are in need of financial assistance and who have excelled academically. Special consideration is given to students who state the intention of entering Family Practice and who are senior medical students and secondarily, junior medical students. Those students who receive assistance from this fund are encouraged by the donor, when they have completed their medical education, to practice in a medically underserved area for five years.
A fund established in 1985 by Mrs. Cowley in memory of her husband. Dr. Webster, a thoracic cardiovascular surgeon, was killed in an auto-pedestrian accident August 13, 1982, on the outskirts of Camp Williams, Utah, following an Army Reserve parachute drop. Interest from the endowment account is to provide scholarships for outstanding medical students who demonstrate dedication to the highest standards in medicine and service to others. Priority is given to those individuals who exhibit the humanitarian medical characteristics, an interest in cardiovascular medicine, and an interest in physical well-being as exhibited by Dr. James W. Webster, Jr. Selection is made by a special committee selected by Mrs. Cowley.
A fund established in July, 1992 by Karma J. Dixon in honor of her husband Dr. John Aldous Dixon. Priority of awarding scholarships shall be to those medical students who exhibit attributes similar to those demonstrated by John and Karma Dixon. Included among the recipient's many attributes should be keen intellect, leadership in school and student affairs, a demonstrated concern and compassion for their patients, leadership and administrative qualities to serve beyond the mere practice of medicine, a desire to discover new and innovative ways of treating and preventing diseases and medical problems through research activities, a desire to teach and share with others that which he/she knows, and warmth and wit to accomplish these tasks.
A scholarship fund established in 1999 by Dr. John H. Marsden to assist deserving medical students in need of financial assistance who have excelled academically. Priority of awarding will be given to senior medical students going into the area of pediatrics.
A special endowment fund established in January, 1987, by Mrs. Ann G. Mark with interest to be awarded as a scholarship. Priority is given to junior and senior medical students in need of financial assistance and who have a special interest in internal medicine. Consideration will also be given to those students who have demonstrated the compassion and exceptional medical knowledge such as that shown by Thomas H. Caine, M.D., Professor of Internal Medicine and Chief of Division of General Internal Medicine, University of Utah School of Medicine.
A special endowment fund established in February 2000 by Dr. Vernal H. and Athleen Johnson to assist students that have excelled academically and are in need of financial assistance. Priority will be given to senior medical students intending to pursue a career in Obstetrics and Gynecology and secondarily to other medical students with an interest in Obstetrics and Gynecology.
A fund established in May, 1997 by Edward C. Klatt, M.D. to assist second-year medical students who are in need of financial assistance and who have excelled academically.
A special endowment fund established in August, 1993 by Elliott V. Anderson. A scholarship is awarded annually to a junior or senior medical student based on academic performance and financial need.
A scholarship fund established in 2001 by George C. Pingree and Anne C. Pingree to be awarded to medical students from geographic areas considered rural Utah.
A scholarship fund established by George and Phyllis Belsey in 2002 to honor their daughter, Heather Joan Belsey, a second-year medical student who passed away in 1998. This scholarship will be awarded to a qualified student who indicates an interest in serving the needs of the medically underserved in inner-city, urban or rural America or so-called "Third World" countries, and demonstrates financial need.
A scholarship fund established in September 2006 by Dr. Justin D. Call to assist deserving third or fourth year medical students who are in need of financial assistance and who have excelled academically, and are intending to pursue a career in Psychiatry.
A fund established in 1991 by J. Roger Wood in memory of his wife. Special consideration is given to senior students intending to pursue a career in the cancer related diseases, either as a clinician or as a researcher.
A special endowment fund established in April, 1986 through the bequest of the Willena G. Ellison Trust, with special consideration to be given to "needy" medical students with a demonstrated interest in heart or cancer research.
A fund established in January, 1991 by Dominick R. Motta in memory of his wife. Special consideration is given to medical students intending to pursue specialized training and practice in the rheumatological diseases or general internal medicine.
A fund established in 1990 through the bequest of Olaf C. Ohlin. Awards are made to deserving students who have excelled academically and who are in need of financial assistance. Special consideration is given to junior or senior medical students desiring to pursue a career in pediatrics.
A fund established in May, 1993 by Allan A. Hagander in memory of his wife. Special consideration is given to students intending to pursue medical training in the areas of cancer research and/or diseases of the heart.
A fund established in December, 1988 by Inga F. Weil, M.D., a 1947 graduate, in memory of her father. Special consideration is given to students who have performed well academically, who have persevered in the face of obstacles, who have expressed desire to serve socially and economically disadvantaged people, and are in need of financial assistance.
A special endowment fund established in loving memory by Shirley Norton in June 1999. When Richard Paul Jensen, a young medical student, was killed in an auto accident, Shirley received Richard's kidney and pancreas. In gratitude for Richard's gift, Shirley established this scholarship in his memory. The scholarship is to be awarded to deserving students who have excelled academically, with priority given to Utah residents.
A scholarship fund established in 2000 to assist medical students from Utah accepted to the University of Utah School of Medicine who have excelled academically, have shown leadership, and have potential for contributions to medicine and society, and have a documented financial need.
A special endowment fund established in August, 1993 by Elliott V. Anderson in honor of his father Ross R. Anderson, M.D. A scholarship is awarded annually to a junior or senior medical student based on academic performance and financial need.
A fund established in December, 1995 by Fred Kurt Hubert and Josie Vigil Hubert in memory of their son. Special consideration is given to students intending to pursue medical training in the areas of urology or infectious disease.
A special endowment fund established in December, 2000 by Dr. and Mrs. Russell B. Clark to honor the outstanding contributions of Dr. Clark to the medical profession as a caring and compassionate teacher and practitioner on the occasion of his 100th birthday. The Russell B. Clark, M.D. Family Endowed Scholarship in Family and Preventative Medicine is to be awarded to an outstanding medical student based on outstanding academic achievement as well as financial need.
A fund established in 1982 through a trust fund for Mrs. Sara H. Perry. This trust fund was established for the benefit of needy students at the University of Utah School of Medicine. Special attention is given to qualified students from the Uintah Basin.
A fund established in September, 2002 to assist deserving students who are in need of financial assistance and who have excelled academically. Priority of awarding is to those students from Sevier County or those students who have family ties to Sevier County.
Established in 1999, through the bequest of Dorothy Shields, for the benefit of "needy, qualified medical students of high scholastic standing, to assist them in continuing their medical education."
A fund established in 1982 through the will of Ida Freedman Sigman. A special endowment fund was set up in memory of her brother to be used as scholarships for worthy students in acquiring and completing their medical education.
A fund established in November, 1981 by C. Charles Hetzel, Jr., M.D. The income generated from the cash value of his gift is to be used for medical student scholarships.
A special endowment fund established in May, 2001 in honor of Dr. Mary Middleton Dahl's and Dr. Douglas Seely Dahl's years of dedicated practice and service to their patients. Dr. Mary Middleton Dahl was the first woman ophthalmologist in the State of Utah and is emeritus clinical professor of ophthalmology at the University of Utah and was on the surgical staff at the Holy Cross Hospital. Dr. Douglas Seely Dahl practiced urology and was a busy surgeon for over 35 years, serving at different times as chairman of the urology divisions at Holy Cross Hospital, LDS Hospital and Primary Children's Medical Center, and as Chief of Urology at the Veteran's Administration Hospital. This scholarship was established to support medical students at the University of Utah School of Medicine.
A fund established in 1996 with donations from members of the medical school class of 1975 in memory of their deceased classmates.
A special account that receives funds and donations from various sources.
This scholarship was established by Erin Ferguson to honor her late husband, Ryan P. Ferguson M.D. with preference given to fourth year medical students. The recipient of this award should demonstrate a purposeful and meaningful life focused on the community with a commitment to supporting environmental and animal welfare. "We are keeping his spirit alive via this scholarship by providing incentive and assistance to an individual who commits to academic and career goals, demonstrates numerous examples of giving back in their community with kindness and compassion, has extracurricular activities that compliment their academic lifestyle, contributes time and/or money to help animal welfare, environmental causes and groups... and can ski at least fifty days each year while maintaining excellent grades. (Bonus points if the recipient can ski over one hundred days in their clinical years)"
Outside Scholarship Programs
Armed Forces Health Professions Scholarships are provided by the Army, Navy and Air Force to students in health services. Applications are obtained directly from the service of choice. Students receive a specified monthly stipend supplemented during annual 45-day active duty tours. Tuition and fees are paid directly to the school by the military. Students are reimbursed for required textbooks and other specified educational expenses. Recipients are selected by each individual service committee. Students incur an obligation of one year of active commissioned service for each year or fraction of a year of program participation. All participants incur a minimum tour of three years. For further information, write one of the following or contact your local recruiting office:
U.S. Army, Department of Army
Gigi Y. Theocarides
Executive Territory Business Manager
Army Health Care Recruiting
19 East 200 South, Suite 1060
Salt Lake City, UT 84111
(Local Recruiting Office - Telephone 801-355-0494, Salt Lake City)U.S. Navy
HMC Kevin Reid, Medical Programs Recruiter
9046 S. 1510 W, Suite C
Salt Lake City, UT 84088
(Local Recruiting Office - Telephone 801-255-5114, Salt Lake City)Air Force Institute of Technology
Health Care Education Division (CIMJ)
Wright-Patterson AFB, OH 45433(Local Recruiting Office - Telephone 801-698-7239, Salt Lake City)
The IHS, an agency of the U.S. Public Health Service, provides comprehensive health care to over one million American Indians and Alaska Natives. Only students of American Indian or Alaska Native descent are eligible. Payment includes tuition and required fees paid directly to the school. For more information, contact:
Wesley Picciotti
Wesley.Picciotti@ihs.govScholarship Program
Indian Health Service (HQ)
The Reyes Building
801 Thompson Avenue, Ste. 400
Rockville, MD 20852
Telephone (301) 443-6197
For each postgraduate year served in a designated IHS Retention/Recruitment Priority Site in the United States, a percentage of educational loans are repaid. For more information contact:
Loan Repayment Program
Indian Health Service (HQ)
The Reyes Building
801 Thompson Avenue, Ste. 400
Rockville, MD 20852
Telephone (301) 443-3396
This program provides full time pay and benefits to students attending medical school. All applicants must be United States citizens.
National Health Service Corps (NHSC) Priority is given to those applicants who have previously received NHSC scholarships, who participated in the Federal "Scholarship Program for Students of Exceptional Financial Need", or who come from disadvantaged backgrounds and possess characteristics that increase the probability they will continue to practice in a health professional shortage area after they complete their service obligations. Payment includes tuition and required fees paid directly to the school. The student receives 12 monthly stipends ($1,233/mo) and a lump sum payment to cover other reasonable educational expenses as determined by the school. For each year of award, the student incurs one year of obligated full-time primary health care service in a Health Professional Shortage Area to which the resident is assigned by the NHSC and/or specialty. The minimum service obligation is two years. To obtain an application, write or call:
National Health Service Corps
Scholarship Program
2070 Chain Bridge Road, Suite 450
Vienna, VA 22182-2536
(800) 221-9393
For each postgraduate year serviced in a Health Professional Shortage Area, a percentage of educational loans are repaid. For more information contact:
National Health Service Corps
2070 Chain Bridge Road, Suite 450
Vienna, VA 22182
(800) 221-9393